Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/03/30/DDSH1CMO2E.DTL#ixzz0jieHX9IU
"Micmacs," another bizarre movie from the director of "Delicatessen" and "Amélie," will open the 53rd San Francisco International Film Festival, which runs April 22-May 6.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet's film, about a man with a bullet in his skull who lost his father in a land mine explosion and seeks revenge against weapons manufacturers, is actually a rather whimsical film.
"It's great fun as a movie, but it's also by a director who uses all the tools of cinematic craft," said Rachel Rosen, San Francisco Film Society director of programming. "It's good old-fashioned entertainment - it's basically a caper film."
The festival closes with a documentary, "Joan Rivers - A Piece of Work," and mayhem is promised at the Castro Theatre when Rivers herself makes an appearance.
Does the festival have a plan to manage the flamboyant comedian to keep things from getting out of hand?
"No," Rosen said. "I am just going to do whatever she says."
The festival also will honor actor Robert Duvall, director Walter Salles, screenwriter James Schamus, animator Don Hertzfeldt and film critic Roger Ebert and will feature conversations with musician-songwriter (and now Oscar winner) T Bone Burnett, editor Walter Murch - who gives the annual State of Cinema Address - and screenwriter Callie Khouri.
As is customary with most larger festivals nowadays, there is a featured centerpiece presentation. It is - ready? - "Happythankyoumoreplease," a low-budget film that is the debut of a director, Josh Radnor, who is best known as an actor on the television sitcom "How I Met Your Mother." It's an edgy but heartfelt look at a close-knit group of friends in their 20s in Manhattan and plays at the Sundance Kabuki Cinemas on May 1.
Also customary: parties. The opening-night bash is at the historic Regency, the closing night is at 1015 Folsom (is that a Rivers kind of place? Puhleeze ... ) and Radnor probably will hold court at the Manor West in SoMa.
Aside from the ancillary trappings, there are 177 films from all over the world, five world premieres and several North American and U.S. premieres, including local personality Joshua Grannell's directorial debut, "All About Evil," the kind of campy romp one would expect from the person better known as Peaches Christ.
Also worthy of note are three films restored at least in part by Martin Scorsese's Film Foundation, most notably Luchino Visconti's sublime visual feast "Senso" (1954), starring Alida Valli as an Italian countess and Farley Granger as an Austrian officer in war-torn 1866 Venice.
Also restored: From India, Satyajit Ray's 1958 masterpiece, "The Music Room," and American director Ted Kotcheff's 1971 Australian film of civilization versus Outback, "Wake in Fright," with Kotcheff scheduled to appear in person.
"It's part of what makes this festival so exciting," said Rosen, speaking of all the in-person filmmakers and actors. "There's a live element to them, and anything can happen."
Miss Bigelow's report on the announcement of the festival. E2
S.F. International Film Festival
When: April 22-May 6
Where: The Sundance Kabuki Cinemas, the Castro Theatre, Landmark's Clay Theatre and the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley
Opening-night film: "Micmacs," directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet ("Delicatessen," "Amélie")
Closing-night film: "Joan Rivers - A Piece of Work," a documentary directed by Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg
Special events: The festival will honor actor Robert Duvall, director Walter Salles, screenwriter James Schamus, animator Don Hertzfeldt and film critic Roger Ebert and will feature conversations with musician-songwriter T Bone Burnett, editor Walter Murch and screenwriter Callie Khouri.
Tickets, schedule and information: The schedule is online at sffs.org. Tickets go on sale Thursday. (925) 866-9559. sffs.org.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/03/30/DDSH1CMO2E.DTL#ixzz0jie4Vxu3
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