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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[SFIFF] 2010舊金山影展 華語/東亞片映演名單

Cinema by the Bay

Empire of Silver 《白銀帝國》/ Christina Yao 姚樹華 / China, Taiwan, HK

New Directors

A Brand New Life 《等愛我的人》(香港電影節譯名)《嶄新的一天》(釜山電影節譯名)/ Ounie Lecomte 烏妮‧勒孔特 / South Korea, France

[HKIFF] 第34屆香港國際電影節得獎名單

數碼錄像金獎 《光斑》
數碼錄像銀獎 《尋歡作樂》

最佳紀錄片 《上訪》
傑出紀錄片 《赤柬人民公敵》

大獎 《赫爾辛基變幻錄》
評審團獎 《柏林圍牆》

國際影評人聯盟獎 《尋歡作樂》
特別表揚 《夜郎》

[SFIFF] Robert Duvall等人將於舊金山影展獲頒獎項

2010舊金山影展昨日宣佈了今年的參展影片,其中包含了將於四月二十二日開幕當天揭幕的《Micmacs》(金馬奇幻影展譯為《異想奇謀:B咖的拯救世界大作戰》,4/18搶先上映!),是《愛蜜莉異想世界》導演Jean-Pierre Jeunet的新作,除此之外也有今年日舞影展獲得注目的浪漫喜劇《Happythankyoumoreplease》等177部參展影片,內容涵括劇情、紀錄、短片、國際影片等多元作品,也將有獎項、舊片重映、座談、講座等活動。


Peter J. Owens Award
美國老牌演員Robert Duvall

[BAFICI] 2010布宜諾獨立影展 華語/東亞片映演名單


Competition / Cinema of the Future
競賽單元 / 電影的未來

A Summer Family/ Masaki Iwana / Japan
Exhausted《精疲力盡》/ Kim Gok金梏 /South Korea
I Went to the Zoo the Other Day/ Luo Li / Canada, China
Oxhide II《牛皮II》/ Liu Jia yin劉伽茵 / China

San Francisco (April 22 - May 6) SFIFF 53 New Directors Competition Films

The 53rd San Francisco International Film Festival (April 22 - May 6) will award close to $100,000 in total prizes this year. The New Directors Prize of $15,000 is given to a narrative first feature that exhibits a unique artistic sensibility and deserves to be seen by as wide an audience as possible. An independent jury will select the New Directors Prize winner, to be announced at the Golden Gate Awards Wednesday, May 5.

Alamar, directed by Pedro González-Rubio, Mexico 2009
West Coast Premiere
The Mexican Caribbean's stunning Banco Chinchorro, home to the world's second largest coral reef, provides the setting and inspiration for this effortlessly beautiful story of a Mayan father and son as they spend a summer working (and playing) along the coast.

'Micmacs' to open S.F. International Film Fest

G. Allen Johnson, Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Read more:

"Micmacs," another bizarre movie from the director of "Delicatessen" and "Amélie," will open the 53rd San Francisco International Film Festival, which runs April 22-May 6.

Jean-Pierre Jeunet's film, about a man with a bullet in his skull who lost his father in a land mine explosion and seeks revenge against weapons manufacturers, is actually a rather whimsical film.

"It's great fun as a movie, but it's also by a director who uses all the tools of cinematic craft," said Rachel Rosen, San Francisco Film Society director of programming. "It's good old-fashioned entertainment - it's basically a caper film."

The festival closes with a documentary, "Joan Rivers - A Piece of Work," and mayhem is promised at the Castro Theatre when Rivers herself makes an appearance.

Does the festival have a plan to manage the flamboyant comedian to keep things from getting out of hand?

"No," Rosen said. "I am just going to do whatever she says."