Sunday, September 13, 2009
ISTANBUL - Daily News with wires

"Lebanon," an Israeli film that recounts the 1982 invasion through the eyes of four soldiers in a tank, has won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival.
The festival jury announced the Golden Lion and other prizes Sunday, the last day of the 11-day screening of films from around the world. “Women Without Men,” an Iranian film about the courage of women, took the No. 2 prize, the Silver Lion.
"Soul Kitchen," a comedy by German-Turkish director Fatih Akın, won the Special Jury Prize. The film depicts a Hamburg suburb in the throes of gentrification and was the only contender for the prestigious Golden Lion to offer full-bore humor. It represented a departure from the more serious tone set by Akın's 2004 Berlin Golden Bear winner "Head On" and 2007's "The Edge of Heaven," which won the screenplay award at Cannes.
"Lebanon," directed by Samuel Maoz, tells the story of Israeli paratroopers combing through a hostile town. The conflict is seen through the binocular-aided eyes of those inside a tank, with their cramped quarters lending an anxious sense of claustrophobia to the narrative.
"I dedicate this work to people all over the world that come back from war safe and sound," the director told the audience at the awards ceremony. "They work, get married, have children," but the memories get "stuck in their souls."
Maoz was a young man when he served in the Israeli military during the invasion, which led to a long occupation of southern Lebanon.
Variety has described the film, one of 25 which competed for the Golden Lion, as the "boldest and best of the recent mini-wave" of Israeli movies. The awards jury was headed by Ang Lee, himself a Golden Lion-winning director, who marveled that "Lebanon" was Maoz's first film and wondered what might he do next.
'Playing with the world like Chaplin'
In "Soul Kitchen," restaurateur Zinos (Adam Bousdoukos) "holds the whole world on his shoulders, but he also plays with the world like a ball, like Charlie Chaplin," Akın said.
"It must be something to do with his hair, he's like Samson," he said, referring to the biblical figure whose superhuman strength was linked to his hair.
The son of Greek parents, Zinos is a long-haired, big-hearted youth who makes two round-trips from rags to riches with his restaurant in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, which is rife with property speculators.
"The film is different from my earlier ones, a comedy with music and humor," said Akın, whose previous, award-winning films have dealt with themes of alienation and death. "I wanted to laugh."
Things begin to go wrong when Zinos's bourgeois girlfriend Nadine (Pheline Roggan) is transferred to Shanghai and his do-nothing brother Illias (Moritz Bleibtreu) is allowed out on weekends from his latest stint in prison.
A new cook, described by Akın as a "Don Quixote who wants to change the world," turns fish sticks and fries into a “nouvelle cuisine” sight to behold – but a turnoff for the regular clientele.
Things go from bad to worse for the lovelorn Zinos when he suffers a herniated disc and tax and health officials begin to hound him.
A combination of sheer grit, luck and chutzpah finally gathers the wind back into his sail.
After his success at Cannes, Akin, 36, said he felt "a slave to my success, to the expectations of others who expected a certain type of serious film, but at the urging of my producer (Andreas Thiel), now sadly deceased, I freed myself of everything and told myself that laughter is part of life."
36歲的法特阿金,在經歷了坎城的榮耀之後,對於許多人期待嚴肅影片應有的特定型態,他背負著沈重的壓力。但在製片Andreas Thiel的鼓勵之下,他已經走出了哀傷,解放了自己,並告訴自己,歡樂也是人生中的一部分。
"Soul Kitchen" was among 25 films in the running for the prestigious Golden Lion.
Other awards
Iranian filmmaker and photographer Shirin Neshat snared the Silver Lion for best director for her feature debut with "Zanan Bedoone Mardan" ("Women Without Men").
The film depicts four women from all classes of society in Iran, 1953, on the eve of an American-aided uprising that deposed an elected government that had nationalized the oil industry, and led to the return of the shah.
But Neshat said the film aimed at providing encouragement to democracy-loving people in her country a half century after the events in the film.
The movie is about "the courage of the women and the people of Iran to take their lives into their own hands," she said after winning the Silver Lion.
Colin Firth took the best actor award for his role in Tom Ford's "A Single Man" as a college professor grappling with solitude after his longtime partner dies. Fashion designer Tom Ford made his directorial debut with the film.
Ksenia Rappoport, starring in the Italian film "La Doppia Ora," took home best-actress honors.